Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Amidst the shadowy shade of leaves and sweet scent of wood I walked. There I met a gloomy child with a tear stained face and a soulful eyes.

“Why so pale and wan little one?”

“I’ve fought so many battles; I lose some and won many. The taste of victory was sweet but the losses left me scarred and bruised.”  She said.

I followed her along the stony path as she continued talking.

“My life is a gallery of lesson. I believe that strength depends on reason; that no load is heavy when the heart is not greedy; that without pain you cannot appreciate gain; do not be pushed by your problems instead be led by your dreams; that to lose without fighting is to live without living; that man’s only need is to be needed; that happiness is not about getting greater net worth but about cultivating greater self worth; that laughter does not always cure pain but rather hide the hurting. And most especially, a heart that is open to appreciate every blessing should be bigger than the eyes that see what is missing.”

She turned to me and smiled.

“Years passed me by yet I remained a child, inside my armor I hide. Afraid to grow yet continue to fight.”

Looking into her I come to realize, that it was my reflection I see swarming in her eyes.

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