Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hero of the Modern Time

An entry about HEROES caught my attention while I was reading the Reader’s Digest November 2009 issue. It was entitled “Teacher on Wheels”. It talks about how an average high school teacher made a difference to some street children’s lives. 

Arnel Laparan, a 5 year old boy had to work in a food stall to help support his family after the death of his father. He insisted on going to school even if it’s going to make his life harder. Worn down by all the work, he was ready to give up when he reached the fifth grade then a remark from his teacher changed his life. One day she told the class that if they studied, they’ll go places. That motivated Arnel to study harder. 

He finished high school and received a scholarship from the Philippine Normal University and graduated with a degree in education. He got a job teaching math in a private school for boys and volunteered at the school’s adult classes in the evening. He found his adult class very rewarding. It was a way to his right calling. Seeing the students struggle to get high school education at their ripe age was very inspiring – to Arnel. 

After 9 years, he resigned from his well-paid job and returned to his birthplace. His aim was to educate street children for free. 

He started holding informal classes under a large tree and expanded his efforts by walking or hitching a ride to a nearby impoverished area and later borrowed bicycle with a large sidecar from his neighbor and loaded them with school supplies and text books with a chalk board attached to the front bearing his motto “Education can be found anywhere. It is one’s avenue to wisdom and progress.” His animated way of teaching attracted lots of street children. 

The bicycle allows him to visit remote areas that are notorious for gang wars. Many of his students have been out of school for years. He also offers adult education to help out-of-school youths get the equivalent of a high school diploma. He does not receive any outside funding but accepts donations of school supplies and food for the students. 

Reading his story made me realize that helping others will not be hindered by the lack of resources like wealth and such. In Arnel’s case, his sincerity and dedication to help become his strength. To quote him, “I want to bring quality education to as many children and adults living in poverty as possible. Everyone deserves a chance.” 

God Bless to this hero of the modern times. 

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